1-year postdoc position in Verona, deadline 16/01/2025

A call of a 12-month postdoc position at the University of Verona is now open: https://www.univr.it/it/concorsi/assegnisti-di-ricerca/assegni-di-ricerca/0/14134.

The title of the associated project is “Infinite-dimensional silting theory” and we are looking for applicants with research experience in representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras, silting and tilting theory, t-structures and torsion pairs, gentle algebras or related areas.

Applicants must submit the following documents, as well as a list summarising what they have submitted:

(1) Forms containing personal data (included as Appendix A and B in the call);

(2) Copies of published articles, degree certificates and identity document;

(3) Letter of motivation: scientific skills and interests of the candidate and their relevance to the themes of the project;

(4) Academic CV;

(5) Up to two reference letters (letters can be sent directly by referees to ufficio.protocollo[at]pec[dot]univr[dot]it).

Application deadline: 16th January 2025 13:00 CET

For any further enquiries regarding the application procedure or the position itself, please contact rosanna[dot]laking[at]univr[dot]it.