FD Applet - an applet for Finite-Dimensional algebras

I would like to introduce the FD Applet, an easy-to-use PC application designed for computations related to various objects in the representation theory of algebras. You can find it here:

This application can compute the AR quiver, Hom, Ext, and list various modules (tau/cluster/Miyashita/Wakamatsu-tilting modules, etc), or subcategories (torsion(-free) classes, wide subcategories, resolving subcategories, etc). Additionally, it can convert between various modules and subcategories (e.g. the smallest torsion class containing a given module, etc). Many of these operations are only supported for representation-finite special biserial algebras.

I should note that the development of this applet was strongly motivated by Jan Geuenich’s String Applet. My desire was for the String Applet to compute particular classes of modules and subcategories, which led to the creation of this tool.

For further details, please visit:

I welcome any feedback or feature requests you may have. Please send it to henomoto@omu.ac.jp

Best regards,
Haruhisa Enomoto