Postdoc position at Stuttgart, deadline 10.08.2023

A message from Steffen Koenig:

We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral / university assistant
position available from 1st of October 2023. The position is full time, for a period of two years with the possibility of extension. The duties include teaching (four hours per week), research in representation theory and contributing to the activities of the representation theory group.

Candidates are expected to have obtained a PhD in representation theory or a related area and are actively involved in research that fits to the
interests of our group.

Applications need to include a CV and a brief description of research done / planned as well as names and contact details of persons who may write
recommendation letters.

For further information please contact
Anne Henke (,
Steffen Koenig ( or
Frederik Marks (
Applications may be sent by email to any one of us and are particularly welcome before August 10, 2023.